Tarik Member Dapat Untung Challenge 1-31 Ogos 2020
Introduce Yoodo to your buddy, your friend will earn a reward and we will also reward you – it’s a win-win-win situation!
Campaign period: 1 – 31 August 2020
Rujuk kawan anda menjadi pengguna Yoodo untuk peluang memenangi hadiah lumayan.
Tempoh kempen: 1 – 31 Ogos 2020
Banyak referral ni bro FAISAL SALEH NASSER ALASWER .. Tahniah!
Thank you guys for the information and the wishes 🥰
Tbh I was enquiring for my friend because I think he's a potential winner lol... for me I hope I win this month, I'm so in need of a new phone, my current one is driving me crazy, 4 years old already and has issues. we got bad blood and I have a blank space to write its name for next execution.. 😂
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