Voting Option for Suggestion Post
currently any post in suggestion section can only be vote or support via reply or if someone click on the ‘arrow up’ button on the right side.
I would like for Yoodo to enable features that can show how many people in the community support an idea (can just only enable it in suggestion & idea section). But if it’s not possible, I do hope most of us will use the up arrow button to show support for any idea given by our community. Yes you can respond to it but I bet the forum section don’t have that AI technology to detect which comments support or against an idea :)
SUZAIDEE BIN MOHD SHOM good suggestion bro!
but the feature isn't controlled by Yoodo actually. This forum is using zendesk and the features that we can or cannot use is dependent on the platform.
So yea, right now I guess we can only use the Yes/No which is the Up or Down arrow as 'voting' or 'Like' to indicate it ;)
@... bila nk buat add on telegram? rasenya topik tu tahun lepas punya dan mendapat vote dari kami di kommuniti 😊
tidak lupa juga pada apps yoodo itu sendiri sepatutnya ade di whitelist dan di beri secara percuma untuk para yoodo bg memudahkan pembelian internet.. ape perancangan yoodo selepas ini ? saya harap pihak yoodo memandang perkara ini secara serius..lihat screenshoot di bawah..
Untuk Telegram saya pernah cadangkan lama dahulu tapi untuk anda fahami dan secara ringkasnya ia tidak semudah yang disangkakan. Perlu melalui beberapa proses dan persetujuan pihak Telegram sendiri.
To Maarof. Kita jangan buka topik lain dalam thread ni, kita hormati tuan tanah cik Suzaidee. Maarof boleh buka thread sendiri untuk isu yang ingin disuarakan. Terima kasih
Ok SUZAIDEE BIN MOHD SHOM . You are welcome bro.
There's a whole bunch of fun stuff like badges and auto-leaderboards, uploading video, photos, having 'nicknames' and etc that can be made easy with different platforms but for now we're okay. When the time comes, we'll surely wanna migrate to a better platform ;)
theJeff kasi cepat la yang nih "having 'nicknames' ". Haha
AHMAD KHAIDHIR BIN JUSOH mestilah kemah jawapan kalau Community Manager. Tak Community Manager lah kalau tak kemah. Haha
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