Add option pay Yoodo bills through Boost App
Hello Yoodo!
May I suggest that we can pay yoodo bills through Boost app?
We can get benefits such as cashback if we pay through Boost app.
Really hope that Yoodo will add another option to pay Yoodo bills.
Looking forward for the improvement.
Thank you Yoodo!
Want to know about Boost App :
Hi SYARIFAH RABI'ATUL 'ADAWIYYAHBINTI SYED OMAR, yup Boost is a "big brother" as well so we will be introducing partnership at some point. Stay tuned :)
LOH-JIK-NEN I have no comment, but you may be correct. Lol
WONG-MENG-JIAN I did not aware there is a daily reward for boost user, what kind of reward is that? The mos cash back i can get from Boost is RM2, no matter how much i spent. Most of the time with average spending RM60-70 the cash back is only Rm1.5 for me, quite low.
I smell other meaning. haha
Yes i agree with BEH TONG YU. Please add more payment options.
Agree with MOHAMMAD ARIFFIN BIN ABDUL RAHMAN. Boost start kedukut.. now TNG 3X cashback/ month will "noamally" get higher cash back.
Setuju dengan Beh Tong Yu sebagai cadangan membuat ewallet Yoodo lebih terbuka kepada pelbagai penggunaan selain produk Yoodo seperti pembayaran bil, membeli belah dalam talian dan lain-lain. Tapi mungkin perlaksanaan kearah ini tidaklah mudah seperti yang dijangka kerana mungkin banyak proses yang perlu dilalui dari pihak Yoodo.
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