CIMB - Your money safe?
Lately there are many people claims that their money were gone. No official statement from the bank. But, if it's true then that's it. A disaster to CIMB.
People said they getting sms for unknown transactions into some weird PayPal account. In 20 minutes, all the money was gone. Maybe less.
Be safe. If you're using CIMB website, make sure the full address is start with HTTPS and double check the url name is right. Nowadays, fake website also use https.
Just read that CIMB got hacked although no official statement yet from the bank. Luckily i do not have a CIMB account but it's a very popular bank. So, many people's account might have been compromised. Cyber security is really paramount in this day and age where everything is connected to the Internet.
You can use those paid VPNs that also offer free services but at limited monthly bandwidth or capped speeds. Example, Windscribe (10GB per month), (2GB per month), Tunnelbear (500MB per month). If want to feel more comfortable, can pay for services like Express VPN or Nord VPN.
So far I've read only one person was hit with this issue. Or is there any other person? And yet to see a police report accompanying it.
Any commercial crimes or issues, best we get to the bottom of it without any assumptions or presumptions.
It could also be competitors hyping up a remote issue.I'm not buying that cimb is not doing anything about this. They have reputation to take.
And so far, the above ss that I shared is the current immediate feedback from CIMB official twitter account. -
Their entire system has been compromised. That is some generic ass press statement. Below are some of the cases, police report included.
have friends face this problem.
I did tried myself, for the first time, i simply key in the whole set password, but prompt ID/password failed/cannot find
Second time I try to make the last few characters wrong. but the system allow me to login.
Well, I guess some problem when they implementing longer password/.
P/s: previously i already had my password more than 8char. although the system wont "display" the chars while you key in password, it's actually "captured" for login. So Im not sure why cimb wanna make this changes.
Seperti media statement yang dikeluarkan, 'alleged insecurity' yang dilaporkan.
Kalau berlaku sebarang kebocoran, maklumkan pada pihak polis. Langkah tambahan, laporkan pada aduan skmm. Lepas tu kalau nak laporkan pada FB, silakan untuk menambahkan kredibiliti pelapor.
Untuk kita pula, sebagai langkah berjaga2, buat ikut pada apa yang disarankan pihak bank.
Official lebih baik dan penting. captcha tu memang standard untuk penambahbaikan sekuriti pengguna.
Pasal pengguna tu, sy tak tau cerita sebenar. setakat apa yang dibaca di fb.
Sebab tu sy bagitau kat atas, sebagai langkah berjaga2, elakkan menggunakan public wifi contoh mcd, starbucks atau lain2 dalam urusan bank dan official untuk mengelakkan kejadian seumpama berlaku. Sebab public wifi ni kita sharing dengan orang lain. Boleh jadi meja sebelah ada alatan khas untuk pancing log in dan password kita.
They didnt deny about the breach. But yea many of us cimb users tried logging in with extra characters behind our 8char password and it went thru last night.
After read some posts, it's seem data breeched by some shopping sites and stole data of users to purchasing via Paypal.
Chnage ur password, then lower debit card spending limit to 1k, cimb online transfer to 1k.
Or place a fixed deposit or transfer to other banks.
Lastly, don't connect FREE wifi and store card details in any websites including shopping e-commerce.
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