4G APN Setting
Siapa yg ada masalah signal full bar LTE tp internet speed slow, boleh cuba guna APN ni.
whatever APN been used within the same network, the output is still the same lah. Download performance differ within seconds depending on the users in the same cell, at a time many people using it, when the boss coming out from his room office, all hide their gadgets spontaneously and the network boosted up.
Hi KAVIVARHMAN A/L KALAICHELVAN maybe you can Live Chat with Yoodo's agents to explain about your problem. They would probably need more details like location, device model, frequency of it happening, etc. Then Yoodo will be able to liaise with Celcom's network team to check further.
Tak guna iphone juga..tapi boleh tengok dalam pautan ni cara set APN ios & android:
https://support.yoodo.com.my/hc/ms/articles/360011712553-Bagaimana-cara-untuk-menukar-tetapan-APN-saya- -
Saya gunakan ios 10, boleh ubahsuai APN. Tak tahulah pula ios 12 tak boleh.
Ni kenyataan dari Epal ๐ sendiri ๐๐ผ๐๐ผ
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