First, make sure that your Auto Renewal toggle is switched on. Your plan will be renewed on the 30th day and is specific to the time of purchase. Example: You purchased at 10:03am on Day 1, the renewal will then happen on Day 31 at 10:03am.
First, make sure that your Auto Renewal toggle is switched on. Your plan will be renewed on the 30th day and is specific to the time of purchase. Example: You purchased at 10:03am on Day 1, the renewal will then happen on Day 31 at 10:03am.
You must pay exactly on the date one more thing later?
Or can you pay like one day before or after?
Cant pay before the renewal date & time. it will deducted immediately when the time come (if you switch ON the auto renewal). if you switch to OFF it will not deducted your credit wallet/bank balance but your account will be inactive until you renew it.
There's no manual payment. It will automatically be deducted from your method of payment, either credit/debit card or Paypal.
How can i renew or reset my plan before the 30 days?
Hi GAN HAN MENG... like other telcos, Yoodo also with default 30 days cycle.
Unfortunately, like Aslam mentioned, the default cycle is 30 days and currently there's no way to reset the main plan before the 30 days is up.
How can I renew my plan my data is finished but I my Facebook and YouTube data is not finished I want to delete this all and renew new plan
Hi Tuan JALALUDDIN MOSTAMAND..talian tuan tidak dapat diperbaharui sebelum tempoh 30 hari aktif tamat. Namun begitu sekiranya tuan ingin menambah data, tuan boleh tambah kuota dengan melanggan apa2 plan data ikut keperluan didalam Booster plan. Semoga membantu...terima kasih
Untuk mengaktifkan sim ada kah bayaran penuh perlu dibuat dan itu dipanggil deposit
Selamat datang ke Yoodo.
Yoodo tiada mengenakan bayaran pendahuluan ataupun deposit, kontrak & sebagainya... Bayaran hanya untuk plan yang dilanggan sahaja. Apa yang dilanggan itulah yang akan dibayar dan tiada apa-apa caj tersembunyi samada sebelum atau selepas. Malah pesanan sim dan penghantaran sim juga percuma untuk kaedah penghantaran biasa :)
Untuk maklumat lanjut mengenai harga plan plan Yoodo sila buka pautan ini:
kenapa saya dah topap plan baru masih belum diperbaharui?
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