We have Roam Like Home, which allows you to call, text and go online abroad with the same plan that you have in Malaysia. It's currently available in 72 countries for a flat rate of RM5, RM10 or RM20 per day, depending on the country. Check via the app to see the rates for each country
Can I use my pass when I in roaming
Hi SELVAM AL R., Yes you can.
boleh bos..no problem
Just remember to set your APN to yoodo to be able to use Roam Like Home.
How to choose international roaming plans?
1. Login to your Yoodo accounts.
2. Choose Roaming or idd
3. Choose Country & purchase.
More info: https://www.yoodo.com.my/our-products/
If you roaming dont forget to change the APN: https://support.yoodo.com.my/hc/en-us/articles/360011712553-How-do-i-change-my-APN-settings-
For ios 12.1 onwards: https://support.yoodo.com.my/hc/en-us/articles/360015417154-Download-this-file-if-you-re-running-iOS-12-1-2-
Can i receive call using idd addon.?
Hi AHMAD TAQIYUDDIN BINMUHAMAD yes you can receive call :)
Can I receive sms for example like bank tac if I didn’t purchase any plan?
Hai TING JUN XIAN, Tak beli apa-apa plan tu maksudnya main plan atau pun RLH? kalau berada di luar negara kena beli RLH baru boleh terima sms dan call. Tapi kalau maksudnya tak beli apa-apa plan, rasanya masih boleh terima sms selagi talian masih belum digantung dan terminate.
If I am on a Roam Like Home plan while overseas, and a Malaysian number calls me, will the caller get charged any additional charges? Is it regarded as a local call or international call for them?
hi MUHAMMAD SYAMIL BINMD SILMI, have you gotten your answer yet? from care via live chat maybe?
If not, it's regarded as local call. Your Active Roam Like Home plan makes it as if you're still home, in Malaysia. So you calling any Malaysian number is considered local calls, and vice versa when replying any calls from Malaysia. Hope that clarifies. Thanks
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