First, you need to have a base data plan. Then, you can purchase any Add-On from your dashboard on the Yoodo app. To keep it simple, your Add-On will expire on the same date as your plan. To renew, just choose the same plan in the app, or go to the settings and select auto-renew.
can i bring my balance data on next month plan?
Unfortunately not, NURFAZLINA.
From what I understand, it's a 30days plan. Once you've done with it, that's it.
Even if you're not done with it and you have balance, it'll forfeit once 30 days is up.
As what Floss Carter always says, It is as it is.
No carry forward option in Yoodo. Once your main plan expires, the balance data, voice, sms will be forfeited. So, depending on your usage pattern, you can plan ahead the following cycle's data/voice/sms to match how much you usually use.
After purchased 2GB data, then at dashboard, want to add on (YouTube) but cannot find it? Only booster available. No add on features?
I just found out about it too... Even Yoodo Care response is somewhat misleading. It says, 'First, you need to have a base data plan. Then, you can purchase any add-on from your dashboard on the Yoodo app.'
That should mean those who purchased base data plan should be able to add on any 'add ons' anytime they want and of course with the understanding that add on will follow base plan expiry date.
Yoodo should allow us to purchase anytime. Or the very least make it clear for incoming users.
Yeah it's kinda misleading because you can only purchase add on at the same when you purchase your main data plan. Unfortunately, add on is not available as a booster option.
Hi guys, yea Add-Ons aren't available as Booster purchase but we're working on making them available as well! Will update when it's ready to go live :)
I cant buy any add onn after purchase base data plan...
Unfortunately add on is when you add on the base data plan. Not after.
Addons not available as boosters at this moment. When you renew your main base plan, you'll have to purchase the addons at the same time.
You should make the add-ons AVAILABLE FIRST before published about your MIGHTHY add-ons, give fake hope to your customer isnt good way for your marketing strategy. Its been 2 months and nothing happen.
Hi @Arinawati, what do you mean with the unavailability of the add-ons?
As for as I'm concerned, it is named add-on because you have to have a base line FIRST before adding an add-on. Q1
hi AR1NAWATI BINTI ARIS thanks for your feedback. We are working on enabling Add-Ons to be purchased anytime during the 30 day active period.
However, as the name suggests, it's an Add-On, meaning it only works with base data cause it's added to what the base provides. We've made this information available in our FAQ since we started itself. Do let us know if there's any other things that we can help to clarify :)
I accidentally choose a 50mins calls plan only. Is it possible for me to upgrade my plan (ie add 10g mobile data) even the current plan is still active?
Hi NOR FARHANA BINTI ZALKIFLI, its possible to upgrade or downgrade your plan but it will take effect on your next cycle.
If you forgot to buy data you can still purchase it at 'Buy More > Boost plan section. Now have promotion 3x data with very cheap price. you can check it in your apps.
More information:
how do i addon my data
Refer the screenshoot below how to buy more data
Why when I click buy more it shows error. and I cant add any booster?
Hi Cik Aina, segera laporkan masalah tersebut dengan team bantuan Live Chat Yoodo ya, nanti mereka akan tolong refresh kan balik.
Cara untuk Live Chat lihat disini:
How to purchase add on after i purchase base data
How to purchase add on after i purchase base data
How to purchase add on after i purchase base data
Hi Lufiana...add-ons only can be purchase with base plan.
Hello ur word there are misleading,i already purchased the base plan on the boost plan and thought that it will be add on there,but then i understand that is all scam,such waste of money to use this article.very disapointed in yodoo
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