If you’re having issues with the Yoodo network, try these steps:
Step 1: Check your network status - there may be planned maintenance being carried out or unexpected service issues.
Didn’t work?
Step 2: Update your network connection by turning off and restarting your phone.
Didn’t work?
Step 3: Check your SIM for damage by removing your SIM and inserting it in a different phone.
Didn’t work?
Step 4: Please order a replacement SIM via our Yoodo website.
Important note: Replacing your SIM will not resolve any network issues, which is why you need to check your coverage and network status first. If none of these steps have fixed or identified the issue, email us at support@yoodo.com.my for help.
Hai CHE KU ATIKAH, cuba restart Phone tu dulu ya. KAlau masih takda line boleh dapatkan bantuan dari Yoodo Live Chat kat bawah page.
Hi. Saya baru activate sim yoodo saya. Dah beberapa jam still lagi line tak masuk. Saya dh restart banyak kali phone tapi still line tak masuk lagi
Eiman aktifkan sim untuk nombor barubatau kekalkan nombor lama?
Kalau kekalkan nombor akan ambil masa 1-3 hari bekerja baru aktif. Tapi kalau ambil nombor baru sepatutnya terus aktif selepas payment complete. Boleh hubungi Yoodo live chat untuk bantuan EIMAN HAKIMI. 👍👍👍
hi..saya just nak bertanya...contoh..saya on data dapat 4g tapi terlampau pelan..bila saya dayakan ke 3g h+ line laju pulak.boleh terangkn tak..kenapa jadi mcm tu?tq
Cik boleh dapatkam nasihat dengan khidmat pelanggan Yoodo melalui Live Chat untuk memeriksa lebih lanjut masalah 4G perlahan tersebut.
Cara menggunakan Live Chat Yoodo
I cant connect to 4g since yesterday.. Is there any maintenance work at teluk intan ?
There's no maintenance work yesterday, I've raised a ticket for you. Our care agents will be in touch to get more details from you so they can check further ya? Or you can also live chat with us at 9am later :)
kenapa saya punya tidak ada line( no service )terus yea walaupun dah active dekat app ..?
kenapa saya punya tidak ada line( no service )terus yea walaupun dah active dekat app ..?
kenapa saya punya tidak ada line( no service )terus yea walaupun dah active dekat app ..?
kenapa saya punya tidak ada line( no service )terus yea walaupun dah active dekat app ..?
kenapa saya punya tidak ada line( no service )terus yea walaupun dah active dekat app ..?
kenapa saya punya tidak ada line( no service )terus yea walaupun dah active dekat app ..?
kenapa saya punya tidak ada line( no service )terus yea walaupun dah active dekat app ..?
kenapa saya punya tidak ada line( no service )terus yea walaupun dah active dekat app ..?
Bagaimana dengan keadaan talian sekarang, masih ada masalah cik?
yea masih sama bo service dah masuk 3 hari still mcm ni kenapa ya ?
Cik baru daftar dengan Yoodo ke?..aktifkan sim untuk nombor lama atau kekalkan nombor baru?
saya dah lame dah daftar then saya tukar sim kad tu ke iphone tiba2 no service ..saya tukar balik ke android dia still no service sedangkan dalam apps yoodo ni still ade data ..? boleh saya tahu kenapa ?
habis macam mana dengan saya punya data ...takkan saya kena beli baru ???
hello saya masih tidak dapat penjelasan lagi ..kenapa masih no service !!!!!!!!
Maaf atas kesulitan yang cik alami...untuk bantuan lebih terperinci kepada masalah akaun minta kerjasama cik buat laporan kepada team teknikal Yoodo melalui aduan tiket dipautan ini: https://support.yoodo.com.my/hc/ms/requests/new
Sila lengkapkap maklumat *Perkara, *Perihalan, dan contact reason cik didalam pautan tersebut ya. Pihak team bantuan Yoodo akan menghubungi kembali melalui email.
Semoga membantu, terima kasih.
Regret. Just bought the plan this month after seeing my area supports 4G for Yoodo/Celcom. What do I have to say? This is by far the telco that provides the most inconsistent network data I've ever used or seen, regardless on 3G or 4G. By the way, before any agents replies "submit your grievances to livechat" please bear in mind I've submitted my rant to said service. I've had no feedback so far except the regular "our technical team is working on it and we'll get back to you as soon as we can". Seriously, I checked on your website for coverage before subscribing to this service. I thought the issues i had earlier was momentary and I was patient. Seems like the coverage information on your website isn't accurate and I was terribly misinformed by Yoodo. I hope your side double check all the coverage information you have on your website with actual real time network data speeds. Do not miss-sell the product as you already know the more users you take in without resolving said issues you're only going to make your service worse. It may be a bad time for your parent company Celcom but nothing justifies speeds that are inconsistent and frequently below 1mbs or "No Service". We pay in advance, its prepaid and we're not paying said service later like postpaid users do so i assume your company do have a supply cold hard credit lines to ensure your services are really as good as you claim.
A very troubled user that can't meet deadlines (working from home)
hello yoodo..nak bgtau ni..line mcm haram..internet mmg kelaut, call slalu putus2.. masa kat gombak x banyak hal..ni pindah ke jalan redan, kanchong darat banting trus jadi..
1- line internet paling tggi 2 bar, itupun 3g..kalau connect pun slalu disconnect..line slalu hilang, kaput..jahanam
2- call slalu putus..line hilang trus ..yillek, gone, KAPUT..
- jadi tolonglah staff2 yoodo@celcom buatlah sesuatu..padang pencawang atau kuatkan ke apa..mentang2 aku dok kampung sini, servis mcam haram ko bagi..
sekian komplen..
Assalamualaikum Cik JOHARI BIN HAMZAH
Maaf atas kesulitan masalah rangkaian yang cik hadapi ketika ini.
Cik boleh sampaikan aduan kepada khidmat pelanggan Yoodo melalui ruang Live Chat ya.
Cara untuk Live Chat lihat gambar ni:
Slowww lineeeeeee
Slowww lineeeeeee
Slowww lineeeeeee
Slowww lineeeeeee
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